Warranty Reimbursement at Retail
What we’ve learned since 2018 and how that can help you
Michael Dommermuth, Fairfield and Woods
Joe Jankowski and Jordan Jankowski, Armatus
The Colorado Retail Warranty Reimbursement law was passed in October 2018, and since then, we’ve learned a lot about things we could have only speculated on previously. Today, CADA’s Endorsed Provider, Armatus Dealer Uplift, works with nearly 50 percent of the dealers in the state.
Armatus has a feel for how each manufacturer interprets provisions of the statute. The law has been a huge win for Colorado dealers, by giving them a way to secure fair and reasonable market-rate reimbursement for their warranty claims.
Join us as Armatus Dealer Uplift’s Joe Jankowski and Fairfield and Woods P.C.’s Michael Dommermuth present a refresher on retail parts reimbursement, the success to date in Colorado, and some ‘insider baseball’ on submitting for your annual labor rate. Michael Dommermuth will discuss your statutory remedies, if your manufacturer is not compensating your dealership at retail rates after submitting.